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The ABCs of PDA: A Closer Look at Pathological Demand Avoidance

Writer's picture: Amy Duffy-BarnesAmy Duffy-Barnes

Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a behavioral pattern observed in children and adults who exhibit extreme resistance to everyday demands, illustrating the complexity of autism and its spectrum. It manifests in individuals diagnosed with autism. Although people have questioned whether it can be diagnosed in those beyond the spectrum, many PDAers can be ‘high masking’, hiding their autistic traits. This extreme fight against ordinary requests can take various forms, from procrastination to more intense reactions such as meltdowns or panic attacks, underscoring the need for a deeper comprehension of PDA and its impacts[1]. The unique response to demands exhibited by PDAers mirrors a profound quest for autonomy and control, intricately linked with heightened anxiety levels and a marked intolerance to uncertainty[4][5].

Understanding PDA requires a shift in perspective, emphasizing support strategies that prioritize collaboration, respecting autonomy, letting go of the construct of hierarchies in human relationships, negotiation, and a keen insight into what motivates PDA kids and adults. This approach aims not to confront but to co-create pathways for flexibility and emotional regulation, a challenging but essential endeavor for those navigating life with Pathological Demand Avoidance[1]. The ensuing discussion offers insights into defining this condition, exploring its origins, and detailing both the challenges and strategies for managing PDA, aiming to provide support for those with PDA and their families in a Neurodiversity-affirming manner[2][3][4][5].

Defining Pathological Demand Avoidance

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a complex profile recognized within the autism spectrum, characterized by an individual's overwhelming need to avoid everyday demands and requests. This behavioral pattern was first identified in 1980 by child psychologist Elizabeth Newson, who observed it among children with autism exhibiting an extreme resistance to ordinary demands, differentiating it from other autism spectrum profiles[6][7]. The term 'pathological' has been a point of contention, leading to suggestions for alternative nomenclatures such as 'Persistent Drive for Autonomy' to better encapsulate the underlying motivations of individuals with PDA[5]. Despite its origins and recognition, PDA remains controversial, often mistaken for Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) due to superficially similar behaviors. However, the root causes of demand avoidance in PDA and ODD are distinct, with PDA primarily driven by an anxiety-based need for autonomy and control[6].

Individuals with PDA exhibit a range of behaviors aimed at avoiding demands, which can include making excuses, withdrawing, or engaging in more extreme reactions like meltdowns or panic attacks. These avoidance tactics are not limited to external demands but also apply to self-imposed expectations, underscoring the pervasive nature of the condition[1][2][3][8]. The avoidance of demands encompasses both direct and indirect requests, including everyday social interactions, time management, decision-making, and even internal bodily demands. This extensive avoidance can significantly impact daily functioning, often leading to misunderstandings and mislabeling of individuals as defiant or oppositional[2][11].

Despite its clear delineation and the specific challenges it presents, PDA is not officially diagnosable within major psychiatric classification systems such as the DSM-5 or ICD-10, contributing to ongoing debates about its validity and recognition within the medical and neurodiverse communities[10]. This lack of formal recognition can complicate access to appropriate support and understanding for individuals with PDA and their families. The National Autistic Society acknowledges PDA as part of the autism spectrum, highlighting the need for continued research and awareness to better support those affected by PDA in navigating daily life and relationships[1].

Origins and Developmental Pathways

The exploration of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) began in the 1970s when Elizabeth Ann Newson, a pioneering child psychologist, initiated her investigations at the Child Development Research Clinic of Nottingham. This early research laid the groundwork for understanding PDA as a distinct profile within the autism spectrum, highlighting the unique challenges faced by individuals with this neurotype[8].

The establishment of support organizations has been crucial in the journey towards recognition and understanding of PDA. In 1997, the PDA Society was founded in the UK by parents of children who exhibited the PDA profile of autism, marking a significant step in building a community and resources for families navigating PDA. Following suit, Pathological Demand Avoidance Australia, Inc. was established in 2020, further expanding the global network of support and advocacy for individuals with PDA[8]. We now have PDA North America as well, and you will find Heartstone Guidance Center on their provider list.

Key milestones in the academic and clinical recognition of PDA include the publication of the first peer-reviewed paper on PDA in 2003 and the inclusion of 'The Distinctive Clinical and Educational Needs of Children with PDA Syndrome: Guidelines for Good Practice' in the National Autism Standards guidance in 2012. These achievements underscore the growing acceptance of PDA within the professional community. Research indicates that PDA is a relatively rare manifestation within the autism spectrum, with a higher prevalence among females with ASD. The dimensional nature of PDA's behavioral features across the autism spectrum and the particular struggles faced by children with PDA in educational settings due to their need to control their environment, rejection of social hierarchies and avoid ordinary demands have been highlighted[1][9].

Understanding Demands and Avoidance Behaviors

Demand avoidance, while a natural trait among humans, manifests with heightened intensity in individuals with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). This condition encompasses a broad spectrum of avoidance behaviors, differentiated by their seemingly irrational nature and variability. The extent of avoidance is influenced by several factors including the individual's current state of health, anxiety levels, environmental conditions, and their inherent capacity to handle demands[2].

  • Types of Demands:

  • Direct Demands: These are explicit requests or questions posed by others or by specific situations[2].

  • Indirect and Internal Demands: Encompasses a wide array of pressures including managing time, making decisions, dealing with internal bodily needs, handling uncertainty, and navigating social interactions. Additional stressors include sensory overload, transitions, and even personal desires[2].

  • Demands within Demands: Refers to smaller, implied expectations nested within larger requests, adding layers of complexity to what might seem like straightforward tasks[2].

Individuals with PDA employ a variety of strategies to circumvent these demands. Initial tactics may include distraction, procrastination, or engaging in fantasy, aimed at reducing the immediacy or perceived importance of the demand. When these more subtle methods fail, the individual may experience a rapid escalation of anxiety, culminating in meltdowns. These intense reactions are akin to panic attacks and represent a critical threshold in demand avoidance, beyond which the individual's coping mechanisms are significantly overwhelmed[2].

The phenomenon of demand avoidance is not exclusive to those diagnosed with PDA but can be observed in lesser forms across a spectrum of neurodivergent conditions. However, the pervasive anxiety and avoidance behaviors characteristic of PDA are distinct, often leading to misinterpretation as merely disruptive or oppositional conduct[1][5]. This mischaracterization underscores the necessity for nuanced understanding and approaches in supporting individuals with PDA. Their ability to engage with demands is highly contingent upon intrinsic motivation, further complicating interactions and interventions aimed at addressing or mitigating avoidance behaviors[12].

Strategies for Support and Management

Supporting individuals with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) necessitates a nuanced approach that prioritizes the individual's need for autonomy while minimizing anxiety-inducing demands. Strategies for support and management are multifaceted, incorporating various techniques tailored to the unique needs of each individual.

  • Low-Demand Environments and Autonomy:

  • Implementing low-demand parenting approaches focuses on reducing the number and intensity of demands while offering choices to promote autonomy[4].

  • Creating a supportive environment that identifies and leverages the individual's interests and strengths can alleviate some of the challenges associated with PDA[11].

  • Emphasizing the identification and fulfillment of needs over correcting behavior can significantly reduce anxiety related to PDA symptoms[11].

  • Collaborative Approaches and Communication:

  • A collaborative approach to managing demands, employing indirect communication styles, and avoiding known stressors can be effective[5].

  • Providing advance notice of changes, allowing take-up time for processing requests, and using indirect language and sentence starters can help in reducing immediate resistance[1].

  • Utilizing the individual's interests to depersonalize demands, offering choices within clear boundaries, and employing humor and distraction can alleviate tension[1].

  • Avoid communicating in any way that implies there is a hierarchal structure which can make a PDAer feel diminished and unsafe.

  • Educational and Social Support:

  • In educational settings, working together to negotiate solutions and accommodate the child's needs is crucial[9].

  • Explicitly teaching subtle social rules and engineering social interactions with peer and adult support can aid in social integration[1]. Please note we are not suggesting encouraging a PDAer to mask or to utilize neurotypical social skills. Classrooms need to be educated to accept autistic social communication styles and interactions as valid.

  • Assigning special roles within the school to provide status and a sense of control, along with visual timetables and "suitcases of ideas," can prepare the child for the day ahead and give them a structured framework within which they can operate[1].

These strategies underscore the importance of understanding and flexibility in supporting individuals with PDA. By focusing on reducing demands, promoting autonomy, and employing collaborative and indirect communication styles, caregivers and educators can create an environment that supports the needs of those with PDA, facilitating a path towards greater independence and well-being.

Implications of PDA on Daily Life and Relationships

Individuals with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) encounter daily life challenges that significantly affect their ability to perform routine tasks and maintain relationships. The implications of PDA span across various aspects of daily living and interpersonal dynamics, necessitating a comprehensive understanding for effective support and management.

  • Daily Living Challenges:

  • Prioritizing everyday activities can be particularly challenging for those with PDA. Essential tasks such as personal hygiene, dressing in clean clothes, and maintaining a balanced diet often fall by the wayside, perceived as less important or overwhelming due to the demand they represent[13].

  • Managing anxiety is a constant struggle, manifesting in various forms including social anxiety, extreme irritability, mood swings, and panic attacks. This heightened state of anxiety not only disrupts daily functioning but also exacerbates the avoidance of demands[13].

  • Personal care and household chores are frequently viewed as unappealing obligations. The effort to suppress avoidance behaviors in order to complete these tasks is both mentally and physically exhausting, further complicating daily routines[14].

  • Impact on Relationships and Social Integration:

  • PDA significantly influences relationship dynamics, often leading to a tumultuous balance between dependence on others and a desire for independence. This can strain relationships with family members, friends, and caregivers, as PDA individuals navigate their need for support and autonomy[14].

  • The condition may trigger feelings of guilt regarding unmet obligations or tasks, affecting one's self-esteem and interactions with others. Such feelings can hinder the development of healthy, supportive relationships[14].

  • Broader Implications for Learning, Employment, and Support Systems:

  • Learning environments and employment opportunities are notably impacted by PDA. The need for a flexible approach to demands makes traditional educational and work settings challenging, often requiring tailored accommodations to support the individual's unique needs[11].

  • Caregivers and support networks face significant challenges in providing effective assistance. The complexity of PDA, coupled with a lack of widespread recognition and understanding, can lead to distress and exhaustion for those trying to offer support. This underscores the importance of ongoing education, awareness, and development of specialized support strategies tailored to the needs of individuals with PDA and their families[5][9].

The intricate nature of PDA and its far-reaching implications necessitate a nuanced approach to support, emphasizing the importance of flexibility, understanding, and tailored interventions. By recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with PDA and their support networks, it is possible to foster environments that promote well-being, autonomy, and meaningful engagement in daily life and relationships.


What exactly is Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)?Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a behavioral pattern primarily observed in autistic adults and children where they exhibit extreme avoidance of everyday demands due to high anxiety. This condition is often associated with individuals on the autism spectrum.

How can one recognize the symptoms of a PDA profile?A PDAer may employ various tactics to avoid demands, such as using delay tactics, creating distractions, shouting, lying down, claiming incapacity, negotiating, attempting to escape, and sometimes engaging in challenging or hazardous behaviors.

What are the defining characteristics of PDA?The key characteristics of a PDA profile include a pronounced resistance to ordinary demands, reliance on social strategies to avoid demands, superficial sociability with a lack of deep understanding, excessive mood swings and impulsivity, and obsessive behavior that often revolves around people.

What are the typical behaviors of a child with PDA?A child with PDA may seem to relate to peers but sometimes lacks a sense of responsibility and age-appropriate behavior. In some cases PDA children will alternate between acting like young adults and then swing into behaviors or communication patterns sometimes associated with younger children. Traditional methods of motivation such as praise and punishment tend to be ineffective, and these children usually do not engage in typical negotiations with other children.


[1] -[2] -[3] -[4] -[5] -[6] -[7] -[8] -[9] -[10] -[11] -[12] -[13] -[14] -

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